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Our next Day Long Workshop is October 21, 2023

10:30-4pm in Venice, CA

Grief is not a problem to be solved but rather an experience that needs to be processed by oneself and in community.

Through movement, art, sharing, and ritual; we will gather together to process and transform our grief.

The Experience

The Alchemy of Grief is an experiential workshop that immerses one in transformative pathways while holding space for our grief. Through movement, art, connection, and ritual; we will gather together to process and transform our grief. The workshop encompasses meditation, reflection, ritual, resourcing, somatic based movement and the creative process to honor our grief.  Grief is not a problem but rather an experience that needs to be given energy and care by oneself and in community.  

Cultivating emotional flow is about learning ways to tolerate the energy of grief, fear, and despair in the body and letting the wisdom of these emotions unfold. 

It's surprising how much joy gets experienced in this work. Often it's  the same walls we hold up to protect ourselves from pain that are also keeping joy out.  We create a safe, open environment, in which it is  easy and natural to let go of things and feel comfortable enough to let some happiness in.

The workshop provides an environment that allows participants to mindfully attend to, tolerate and surrender to the emotion of grief and open our hearts to the magic of emotional alchemy. 

Just a big thank you to amazing Caron and Holly! The alchemy of the group almost felt divinely designed. The generosity of spirit and the gifted expertise of our hosts were humbly given and gratefully received.
— Julie H ~ 2022 Workshop Participant
I loved the balance and varied cognitive-physical-emotional-relational interwoven activities.
— Patty C - 2022 Workshop Participant

Meet Your Guides

  • Dr. Caron Post

  • Holly Rothschild

  • ...and Chef Dori!

    Delicious and Nutritious Vegan Food created on premises by Chef Dori.

Deborah P ~ Artist, Writer

“We dropped into each other’s stories so organically. It helped us tell our own. That sense of connection was beautiful at the start. It set the tone that this was going to be expansive and internal at the same time. That’s the perfect combination for a communal retreat. We knew it was ok to feel anything at anytime. And because the leadership was so solid, I felt I could focus on me. what a gift.”

Amy S. ~ Architect

“For me there were key phrases that I wrote down that I keep coming back to: "from grief to gratitude", "attending, befriending and surrendering", and "you must feel it to heal it".

Upcoming Dates!

Join us at a private retreat on a walk street in Venice !

June 10th from 10:30-3:30 pm.

Space is limited to 8 participants.

$125 for the full workshop.

what to expect

We will gather to explore, honor and transform our grief in community.

The day will be filled with meditation, movement, journaling and reflection. You will leave with tools and strategies to work with your grief. We will find moments of joy and celebration together.

Light lunch and snacks will be provided.

Please bring journals, layers, socks and wear comfortable clothes you can move in.

Everything felt very safe. It was good to be all women. The food was excellent! I loved all of the movement work especially. I really released a lot by moving my body. The work with the rocks was very powerful and beautiful. I have the image of the pot of rocks and the bobcat and the sunset forever engrained in my heart.
— Julie P - Musician, Composer, Writer

We’d Love to Hear From You!

Email us! Let us know who you are and any questions you may have. We’ll send you a private website link with pricing, accommodations and registration.